S2 Chloe Belongs on the 'Wall of Weird'

by Alyssa

Now let's get down to the business at hand...us Chloe Sullivan Fans and Chlarkers are disappointed in Season Two Chloe's performance. Yes, writers, we've been watching...and frankly we don't like what we see.

Chloe has been acting too weird for her own good! Her strange behavior has even been added to us Chloe fans 'Wall of Weird' so to speak. And we have a few complaints about Chloe's behavior...

First of all, what's up with the S1 Lana impersonation? Did her and Lana switch bodies or something? Why is she acting so mopey? We understand this is a drama, Mr. Millar/Gough, but having drama doesn't necessarily mean she has to be a drama queen.

Second of all, where's the action? Where's the conflict? This show is turning into all love triangles! No investigation! Now, I'm not saying I don't love a good love triangle, but this is a solid WB show, not a soap opera. Stefano doesn't show up with a face full of meteor rocks and a severe case of pneumonia, at least I hope not...

And last but certainly not least...WHERE'S THE CHLARK? It's been a CLunkie field day out there! It's a CLunke network! All CLunkie, all the time? Are they paying you to torture us? Huh, huh, huh? *takes deep breath*

Now, the topic at hand...we want Chloe back! We want Chlark, investigations, and the real Chloe, not some cheap imitation! Now let's all band together and get Chloe off this 'Wall'!

And that's the view from behind the news desk today, God bless,


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